UltimateAddOn for MFS2020 (Free)

UltimateAddOn is Add-On for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

UltimateAddOn displays flight tracking with Bing Map, and collects flight data and allows you to track your flight in Map or Google Earth and more.



FlightDB retrieve your all flights in one map.

Multiple providers

Airports List access the Airports, Frequencies, Navaids, Region, Runways database and more.

Categories: ,



1– Go to Bing Maps for create a free key here => https://www.bingmapsportal.com/Application Select à name for your key and select a Key type: Basic/Windows Application.

2– Go to my contact page here https://veydunet.com/contact/ and request a free key for UltimateAddOn is always free for use. Why this ? To avoid the wild sale of my work which is delivered free of charge.

/————————————-Zip downloaded, contains—————————\

……|> FSMAPSCC.exe
……|> IP.cnf
……|> Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect.dll
……|> SimConnect.cfg
……|> SimConnect.dll

……|> [DATA]
………..|> airport-frequencies.csv (28959 entry)
………..|> airports.csv (7698 entry)
………..|> airports1.csv (67535 entry)
………..|> data_version.inf
………..|> navaids.csv (11021 entry)
………..|> regions.csv (3963 entry)
………..|> runways.csv (42656 entry)
……|> [x64]
………..|> SQLite.Interop.dll
……|> [x86]
………..|> SQLite.Interop.dll
……|> Airports List.exe
……|> FlightDB.exe
……|> FlightDB.exe.config
……|> GMap.NET.Core.dll
……|> GMap.NET.WindowsForms.dll
……|> GMap.NET.WindowsPresentation.dll
……|> UltimateAddOn.exe
……|> System.Data.SQLite.dll
……|> System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll


– Copy directory [client_app] folder in game computer.
– Copy directory [server_app] folder in PC or game computer if you have various screens.


1– Start MFS2020 game.
2– Start FSMAPSCC.exe, they connect automatically with game.
3– Start UltimateAddOn.exe, and click Start button, they connect automatically if you have respected correctly all steps.
! If connect not found, change IP value in IP.cnf file to correspond with your PC or game computer IP (computer on which you display the data).

[UltimateAddOn.exe] the main application which displays flight tracking with Bing Map, which collects flight data and allows you to follow your flight in Map or Google Earth and more.

[Airports List.exe] application to access the Airports, Frequencies, Navaids, Region, Runways database and more.

[FlightDB.exe] application retrieve your all flights in one map.


Special thanks to OUAIRPORTS for database https://ourairports.com/


Airports, Frequencies, Navaids, Region, Runways

Checksum SHA-512 *UltimateAddOn.zip


To check the checksum of a software we recommend the software ChecksumPro https://www.microsoft.com/